Latex Allergy Info

Excerpt From the 2013 FDA Food Code in Relation to Latex Glove Use

Page 424-425:

"Natural rubber latex gloves have been reported to cause allergic reactions in some individuals who wear latex gloves during food preparation, and even in individuals eating food prepared by food employees wearing latex gloves (refer to Annex 2, 3-304.15). This information should be taken into consideration when deciding whether single-use gloves made of latex will be used during food preparation."

  "Although many allergic reactions occur as a result of occupational exposure, CFSAN is actively reviewing its current policy on the use of disposable NRL gloves in food operations in light of the possible transmission of the latex protein via food. To gain additional information regarding allergic reactions allegedly due to the ingestion of food contaminated by NRL in retail settings, CFSAN has been collecting reports of such reactions from consumers who have contacted the Agency. Several offices within CFSAN will continue to collaborate in reviewing incoming data. The results of these activities and other related efforts will be used to determine if policy changes regarding the use of latex in food operations, based on food safety considerations, are warranted. The FDA, Office of Food Additive Safety, Division of Food Contact Notification, reviews gloves submitted for food-contact use in the food industry on the basis of the glove’s formulation or components. FDA regulates NRL gloves used for medical purposes only. FDA is aware of the following information related to occupational hazards (not food safety hazards) associated with the use of NRL gloves..."
Click Here to view the entire 2013 FDA Food Code text. Refer to page 424-425 to view this quoted info.


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