The Goal of LATEX ALLERGY INFO: | The goal of this web site is advocate the regulation of latex products and ban their use in the foodservice industry, the healthcare industry and in areas where exposure can effect the health of the general public. This site was created to provide a medium for educating the general public and influential individuals of the dangers of latex overexposure and to collect statistical data about how may people suffer from a latex allergy. Most people don't know that an overexposure to Latex can case serious and life threatening symptoms and reactions. Most people also don't know that latex is all around us. Chances are, you are eating it when you eat at a restaurant, you are inhaling it daily and you may even be working with it. | | Learn About Latex Allergies | Get information about the symptoms of a Latex allergy and how to treat it. 
| | See What It's like | Read stories and experiences submitted by those living with a Latex Allergy .  | | Make a Difference | Take our survey or Sign our petition to make a difference in the way Latex is used.  | | | |  |
Disney Properties Not Latex Free, Despite Appearance
The creators of this
site, Ryan & Veronica, received a rude awakening when visiting Disney
World in Orlando, FL. After asking multiple staff members and personally
verifying the glove type used for food service, they had determined in
the past that Disney was not using Latex gloves in their kitchens.
However, during their most recent visit, they were informed by Chefs
that Latex gloves were, in fact, being used. They verified that Disney's
current food service practice requires the use of disposable Vinyl
gloves during food preparation and reusable Latex heat gloves during the
dishwashing process. Although, the use of the Vinyl gloves in their food
prep processes is a step in the right direction, Disney properties still
are not safe for Latex allergy sufferers. The potential for cross
contamination is still too high since the Latex gloves constantly emit
microscopic allergen proteins into the air and on any surface touched.
As result of Disney's current policies on Latex glove use, Veronica
suffered from an allergic reaction that went unexplained until the
current Latex glove policies were revealed by the Chefs. |
If you suffer from a Latex Allergy,
use extreme caution when visiting the Disney properties. Despite
appearances, Disney restaurants most often utilize Latex products that
you cannot immediately see in their kitchens. Disney policy allows
guests to bring food, drinks and even coolers into the parks. If you
suffer from a Latex allergy and want to visit a Disney property,
bringing your own food and drinks is a great option to help you avoid
exposure and allergic reactions. |
| | | From the creators of this web site, Latex Allergy Info, comes the new association designed to create and enforce a common set of latex and food allergy standards and protocol that can be used throughout the food service and manufacturing industry. It is called the Association for Allergy Safety & Education or the AASE. Click the link above for more info. | | Latex Banished from Johns Hopkins Hospital | Johns Hopkins, the inventors of Latex hospital gloves, is now the first major medical institution to become "latex safe" by ending all use of latex gloves and almost all medical latex products. Due to the recent increase in potentially fatal latex allergies, research was conducted related to the problems of natural rubber latex as an allergen. Studies showed that roughly 6 percent of the general population and up to 15 percent of health care workers are allergic to latex, with the higher rate among medical personnel due to longer periods of contact with natural rubber. In addition to surgical gloves, latex is used in numerous medical devices such as tourniquets, blood pressure cuffs and stethoscope tubes. The anaphylactic reactions, similar to those caused by foods such as peanuts or by bee sting allergies, can include a drop in blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, swelling in the hands and feet and constriction of the airways. In extreme cases, anaphylactic shock, which can occur minutes after the exposure, can lead to death. Read the Whole Story Here | | | | What is a Latex Allergy? | A Latex allergy is an allergy that results from an overexposure to natural Latex rubber proteins. People around the country are getting sick on a regular basis but don't know why. Those who do figure out they are sensitive, allergic or are diagnosed with a Latex allergy don't know how to live with the illness and eventually spend years suffering through violent reactions. People are exposed to Latex in many places and don't even know it. Most reactions occur due to restaurants using Latex gloves in their food prep or in the latex rich atmosphere of a hospital or doctors' offices. However, any product containing Latex can cause a reaction. | | The Truth About the Latex Allergy | When people think of Latex, they think of condoms or medical gloves. However, there are countless products containing Latex. The scary truth behind Latex is that people around the country are getting sick on a regular basis but don't know why and often don't attribute their sickness to Latex. Those who do figure out they are sensitive or are diagnosed with a Latex allergy don't know how to live with the illness and eventually spend years suffering through violent reactions or dying from a reaction. The problem with a latex allergy is that the majority of the medical field does not know how to treat it. Most healthcare workers don't know the symptoms of a latex allergy or how to treat a latex allergy. This becomes a big problem for people with a latex allergy who need medical attention. Depending on their level of sensitivity, the medical attention can often complicate their condition because of the amount of latex in the medical atmosphere. Most people also don't know that many foods contain latex. Many restaurants and food manufacturers use latex gloves when preparing or manufacturing the food. This means that the general public is exposed to Latex on a regular basis. This increases the chances of many more people developing a latex allergy from overexposure. It is important for the general public to know about their exposure to latex. This site was created to tell people the truth about latex a latex allergy and for the people with enough influence to make change to understand that a change is needed. | | How Many People Suffer from a Latex Allergy | According to the American Latex Allergy Association, 8-17% of healthcare workers and 68% of children with spina bifida and people undergoing multiple surgeries are suffer from a Latex allergy. That totals less than 1% of the general public in the US. However, that 1% equals about 3 million people. That is a pretty significant amount of people to suffer with this allergy and yet nothing has been done nationwide. Most Latex allergy cases go unreported. These statistics are not current there are no current studies published. Current statistics would show more people suffering from this allergy. Most people who have a Latex allergy often go undiagnosed. | | | Latex Allergy Symptoms: | | Professions Causing Allergies: | Listed below are some common symptoms that someone suffering from a Latex allergy must endure: | | Below are some common professions where people often develop a sensitivity or allergy to Latex: | • | Nausea | • | Vomiting | • | Diarrhea | • | Anaphylaxis | • | Difficulty Breathing/Asthma | • | Sore Joints/Muscles | • | Vertigo/Dizziness | • | Skin Irritation/Rashes | • | Sore Throat | | | • | Nurses | • | Doctors | • | Healthcare Professionals | • | Chefs | • | Waiters | • | Food Prep | • | Police Officers | • | Firefighters | • | Military Personnel | • | Factory Workers | | | | | |